
If the Chinese Government Says It Didn't Happen, It Didn't.

Qingdao is finally starting to get cold. This would not ordinarily cause a problem however the Chinese attitudes to heating differ markedly to the West's... We Western Imperialists switch our heating on as soon as it gets cold whereas the Chinese consider it unecessary. The last few classes we have all been wearing coats as it has been so cold. The heating in our rooms hasn't been switched on either (it is centrally controlled) so last night I woke up several times from the cold. Becka is finding it a tad hard to breath in the chilly air. I, on the other hand, don't really mind. I suppose I have my mother to thank for that- seeing as the thermostat at home hovers around 14C so I am used to the cold! However I am forced to admit that it is probably better for everyone if we just wear extra layers instead of switching expensive, polluting heating on.

Although the receptionists downstairs have a heater on full blast.

Anthony asked what the Chinese for uncle was. Big mistake. The Chinese have a different word for every conceivable member of the family and our teacher spent about 10 minutes drawing a complicated graph to explain this. She conceded herself that even they don't always understand the hundreds of words. Does a language really need a different word for your mother's elder brother as opposed to the younger as opposed to your father's?

There was a poster advertising an essay competition. It specified that we were not to express views "contrary to the current consensus on historical fact".

My card has been unblocked! I have money. Lovely lovely money. Just as well as Becka and I are going shopping on Saturday for warm clothes.

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