
Based On Original Woman

The Guangzhou Asian Games are on at the moment and LPG shows them on one of their numerous screens. I mention it purely because they really are the Asian Games. They were showing Kungfu, and Taichi and all sorts of wierd and wonderful part gymnastics part waving a sword routines while dressed in silk suits. Seeing as the Asian Games obviously owes its heritage to the Olympic Games, it's rather cute to see the Asians putting their spin on it!

The longer I'm in China the more I start to treasure quality. The Chinese are forever just sticking skyscrapers up, bunging a road there and taping bits of car together. In Edinburgh there are buildings well over a hundred years old, still safe and usable. How many of the skyscrapers shooting up every day will still be standing in not even 50 years time? The big, shiny, new road to Jinan from Qingdao goes up and down so much, trucks find it hard to handle.

It's worth spending money sometimes...

I asked for 一杯伯爵红茶 in Starbucks and didn't get it. *Feels depressed*

Got given a flyer translated using google translate (damn they have a lot to answer for) about selling fake Gucci/ Louis Vuitton bags. "All women are based on original authentic bag" apparently.

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