
The Chop

Gosh I haven't written in a while have I? Mostly because this week my room ran out of internetz and when I went to get more, the geeks weren't there. I suspect their mothers had found them and carted them off to feed them something green. But I'm back on the lines:)

On Friday I finally braved the hairdressers'. I went with Helen and Becka, who both needed a haircut, and we went to a place that had been recommended to Helen. Normally the hairdressers' I see are much like the restaurants: small sheds with questionable stains but this one was nice and shiny, if you ignored the unfinished bits. After getting our hair washed and shampooed, we had a massage whilst we waited. At least I think it was a massage, at one point I felt as if I had seriously offended the assistant and she was taking her revenge on my spine. Then came the Point of No Return. I had toyed with getting a fringe and bravely requested one, complete with hand movements to indicate severing. The hairdresser nodded and wielded his scissors.

I now have a fringe! Somehow, despite the blond hair, I now look very Asian as he cut rather a severe one. Complete with my new ipod and Converse shoes my transformation into 大学生, uni student, is complete! I am still getting used to the fringe but I'm glad I changed something about my hair- it had been the same for so long. Plus it was only 40元, 4 pounds, so rather a good deal!

When I was in the bar last night I saw Axel come in and waved and he completely did not recognise me. I had to go over so he could see past my fringe!

Went for a walk in Fushan with Becka yesterday. During the week there was a dust storm in Qingdao, I think blown down from the north. You could hardly see a thing. I had forgotten what an horizon looked like! It was very odd to be walking around at midday as the light had that orange glow you associate with late evening. It also acted as an insulator so yesterday was surprisingly warm. Becka and I were scrambling around in t-shirts! There was one point where we were walking through some bare trees over dead grass in this half-light, our warmth completely at odds with the winter landscape, when I got that same eery feeling I had felt on the ferry from Huangdao- that perhaps this is what it will be like if we ever have an apocalypse. Dead trees and an orange glow... *Shiver*

On another note, Chinese woods do do Autumn very well. Their trees don't half blush bright red!

Today the winds were back and Qingdao was lovely and fresh again. I was once again reminded that an horizon is a line between land and sky which I swear was more distinct today than I remember:P

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