
Happy Birthday CPC

Yesterday was the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. (I always thought it was the Chinese Communist Party but they've changed it apparently. Without telling me.)

They've gone from a dozen revolutionaries in Shanghai to being the most powerful, and largest, political party in the world. Not bad eh.

Happy Birthday!

(I wrote a much longer post ranting about how we should give the CPC a break and the awful journalism I've seen recently, especially this piece http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jul/01/chinese-president-corruption-communist-party. Littered with spelling mistakes and wrong dates, it makes completely unfair criticism. No Hu isn't going to speak about the party's mistakes made decades ago but then Cameron doesn't at the Conservative Party conference does he??? However this post was lost as my vpn died without my realising and I pressed post and the firewall ate it. Please remove the firewall, China. I just want to watch videos of cats falling baths and Ed MilliRobot's response systems malfunctioning not foment revolution!)

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