
You've Used Google Translate Haven't You

Today I was a judge in my English school. In a rather Chinese ceremony, students who want to move up a level in the school give a presentation and then perform a talent before either being passed or failed by me and a Chinese teacher. Every time a female student came up to talk the host would rapturise about how beautiful she was. Comparisons with summer streams were made. I cringed every time. Each student would then mumble something about David Beckham or France being the most romantic country in the world ("as everyone knows"). Some would either read determinedly from a script, others recite something learned by heart asquicklyaspossiblewithoutbreathing. Almost without exception they faced anywhere but the audience. Then they would sing a song or tell a joke as a talent. I'm not sure why this was required to change levels in an English school but hey. Each joke was, without exception, mumbled so much I did not understand a word. I still laughed. The singing was mostly Justin Beiber or similar emo drivel.

One of the students talked about the internet and said it was good foreign websites were blocked. This rather infuriated me as I can forgive ignorance of the truth, but not willing collusion in it.

One of the students had translated his entire presentation using google translate. It was painfully obvious.

I may have mentioned this before but my god you get some weirdo expats out here. Some really pathetic human beings.

I was teaching about prefixes and suffixes today and I taught them antidiestablishmentarianism, and what it meant. They were impressed.

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