

Qingdao's Expat group, which contains a higher than usual number of Very Enthusiastic people, have put on a pantomime. Odd time of year perhaps but my mix of Europeans and Asians were persuaded to go nonetheless.

The story was Robin Hood, or 罗宾汉, Luobin Han, a rough diamond with a heart of gold living in Laoshan forest. With the evil sheriff terrorising the inhabitants of Qingdao village, he has a tough job of protecting the people, wooing Maid Marian, and keeping Friar Tuck sober. Oh and there was also Red Riding Hood running around.

The cast was composed of Westerners, their children, random Koreans and one actual Qingdaonese. As AmDram pantos go it was entertaining but there were times when I thought the actors were enjoying it more than the audience...

It took place in the InterContinental hotel which, despite a lot of money spent on it and acres of nice and shiny marble, was nonetheless depressing. Perhaps it was too much black, but it might also have been the number of businessmen loafing around. I sensed they'd rather be thousands of miles away with their family than killing time alone in Qingdao...

I asked a class to briefly create a movie using their imagination. I explained what imagination was. Creating something new. I know your country is not famed for innovation but maybe you guys can surprise me. Imagine.

I got a retelling of Twilight and some Chinese folk story. *Headdesk*

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