
The Chop

It's been a long time since I posted- mostly because I have been too busy earning money... and then spending it. So what was the first thing I bought?

New hair. Becka mused about short hair and I had been half thinking about it so last Thursday night we resolved to go and get a haircut. Becka in the end plumped for a new fringe and I decided to get the chop... mostly because I have had roughly the same hair-long- for 20 years and I'd hate for that to become 40... Also my long locks were not happy and had become all straggly and flat. So it came to be that, quaking with fear, I ended up in a Korean hairdressers. The hairdresser cut off a large hank of my still wet hair and flung it on the floor. It landed with a splat. Becka, sat next to me, screamed.

However I think that the end results were not half bad...

And then it was off on a late night flight to Shanghai... more of which to follow when I have time to write and haven't got to go to class...

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