
Never Trust Foxes

"How tall are you?"

Today only a few people turned up for class, in mine and others, so we just combined and watched a film for the first two hours. We watched the dramatization of a tale from 聊斋志异 which is a collection of old Chinese scary stories. The particular film we watched was about a demon, in the shape of a beautiful woman (aren't they always) trying to steal the General from his loving wife. It inevitably ended with lots of people crying over each others' dead bodies although the demon was defeated and forced to turn back into a fox. Foxes have a bit of a reputation in Chinese folklore as being rather demonic but the fox at the end was snow white and very cuddly looking so it was hard to believe it was so evil...

Had some more lessons with the Korean kids today, although only one turned up. She had to write an essay and it really showed how vast the gulf between the textbook's standard of English and hers as she had difficulty even forming the present tense. There was a lot of  "are do" etc going on. Why am I teaching her to argue the pros and cons of human activity with regards to the environment when I should be teaching her to speak basic English? Why???? Still we got a good chat going at the end. She is rather cute and happily chittered away, although always at a volume slightly below that which I am able to hear. When I would inevitably ask her to repeat she would think she had spoken wrongly and then would get quieter...

I bought some Christmas presents (we are going to surprise the Koreans with prezzies from Santa lol) and it is apparently snowing in Harbin. Snow! Exciting! Of course, with it being Harbin, they will be able to cope so no worries about flying there!

Becka's computer's power cable has died of unknow causes. She is without a computer. I can't imagine being without a computer. What do you do all day?

I suspect she is shortly going to go into withdrawal too...

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